Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wednesday public meetings

On Wed., Aug. 12, the Snohomish County Council is holding a 10:30 a.m. public hearing on the Snohomish Conservation District's assessment request.
The district requested a $5 per parcel plus 5 cents per acre annual fee to fund the district's work in Snohomish County. An ordinance has been prepared by county staff, and the council members could vote on it. The meeting is being held in the Henry M. Jackson Board Room on the 8th Floor of the Robert J. Drewel Building at 3000 Rockefeller Ave., in Everett.

For more information on the assessment request, visit www.snohomishcd.org/ or go to www.scnews.com/news/2009/0623/News/054.html.

Also on Wed., the Island County Commissioners will discuss the Whidbey Island and Snohomish conservation districts request for a $5 per parcel plus 5 cents per acre assessment in Island County du
ring its 10 a.m. regular work session.
The meeting is being held in the commissioner's hearing room, #B102. of the annex building at 1 NE 6th St., in Coupville. Camano Island residents can watch the meeting from the Camano Island annex, at 121 NE Camano Dr. on Camano Island.

Information about the assessment request is available at
www.snohomishcd.org or www.scnews.com/news/2009/0714/camano_scene/053.html.

In addition, the Snohomish County Council will hold deliberations on the Docket XIII proposals, which include the elimination or modification of the fully-contained community code, at 1:30 p.m., Wed. Aug. 12 in the Henry M. Jackson Board Room on the 8th Floor of the Robert J. Drewel Building at 3000 Rockefeller Ave., in Everett.

The FCC code first came up in discussions about a year ago. The council could be making a decision at this meeting, or could decide to postpone the decision until a later date.

For more about Docket XIII and the FCC proposals, visit www.scnews.com/news/2009/0714/front_page/002.html.

The full list of proposals is available at www1.co.snohomish.wa.us/Departments/Council/About/Meeting_Calendar/ by clicking on the Council Webcasts link on the middle of the page, and the agenda link next to the Docket XIII proposals.

Sebastian goes to school

In today's issue of the Stanwood/Camano NEWS, there is a story about Sebastian, a dog at Camano Animal Shelter Association (CASA) who is participating in the PAWfect Connections Prison Dog Program. To see the full story, go to www.scnews.com or pick up a copy of the newspaper.
Unfortunately, we didn't have a photo along with the story in the print edition. So, for those of you wondering what Sebastian looks like, here he is. This photo is courtesy of CASA.

CASA, located at 160 Can Ku Road on Camano Island, can be reached at 387-1902, or visit camanoanimalshelter.org.