Monday, July 13, 2009

School board to vote on Chartwells contract

The Stanwood-Camano School Board will vote on whether or not to authorize a contract with Chartwells for food service management at the noon regular meeting tomorrow.
Gary Platt, executive director of business and operations, recommended the adoption of the proposal in a memo to the school board. In the memo, Platt said Chartwells is the only management company that submitted a proposal prior to the deadline, and none of the four applicants for a food service manager were viable.
The district's food service program was recently featured in an investigative report printed in the Stanwood/Camano NEWS June 2 edition, entitled "At a loss."

The full article is available at
For the full school board agenda and memo, visit
The school board meeting will be held
in the school board room at 26920 Pioneer Highway in Stanwood.